In this episode Anna answers a Chronic Fatigue listener question about Life After Disease: How to cultivate the mindset to move on and not get stuck. Although the title suggests that this is for those further along in their journey, there are still some wisdom bombs for those at any stage of their journey, especially those who are feeling stuck.
Nurturing Resilience:
Shownotes Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and histamine intolerance may be part of the complex web of imbalances in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and...
Shownotes Anna shares a framework for understanding neuroinflammation from her training in Psychoneuroimmunology with Leo Priumbroom. This is based on the understanding that you...
Many women experience crashes, flares and setbacks around their menstrual cycle. The natural fluctuation in hormone levels can be destabilising to sensitive and unstable...