The final stage of supporting Mold illness and Chronic fatigue is introducing Binders, Antimicrobials and Biofilm Disruptors.
In this episode Anna talks recaps on the previous 3 episodes in this 4 part series. She then talk about introducing binders, including, what are binders and why do we take them? Possible side effects and things to watch out for. The importance of dosing slowly, especially if you are sensitive. What to do if you have a reaction and how long to take them for.
She talks about antimicrobial support for the sinuses, gut and vaginal canal, including how to approach dosing for those that are sensitive. She ends the episode with a discussion about retesting and detox maintenance.
Nurturing Resilience:
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Show Notes Who doesn’t love a recovery story? In this episode, Anna talks from the heart and shares her journey recovering from Chronic Fatigue...
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