Emily, also known as “The Spoonie Mentor” on instagram joins Anna on the podcast to talk about her personal journey recovering from a brain injury and post-concussion syndrome. They talk about pacing, belief systems, learning to rest and building a business as a spoonie.
The Spoonie Mentor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thespooniementor/
Emily Fraser Website: https://www.emilyfraser.ca/
The Spoonie Podcast: https://www.emilyfraser.ca/podcast
Pacing for Spoonies Workshop: https://www.emilyfraser.ca/workshop
Website: https://annamarsh.co.uk/
Shownotes Lorrie is a Holistic Wellness Coach who was able to heal herself after ME/CFS kept her housebound and bed bound for 8 years....
Shownotes In this episode Anna highlights the things she felt made the biggest difference in her own recovery journey. She acknowledges that the journey...
In this episode Anna talks about the difference between Post-Exertional Malaise, Crashes, Flares, Setbacks and the natural change in our output and capacity that...